Holistic Medication + Supplements Review
Medication review is a government-funded service in Ontario for people with chronic conditions who take more than two medications. Our Holistic Medication and Supplement review service covers prescription, over-the-counter & natural medications, including supplements, to help you avoid contraindications from mixing prescription and natural medications and prevent unnecessary usage. We take a holistic and individualized approach while creating treatment plans for our clients. What to expect: – You will get one on one consultation with our Functional Pharmacist, where you will be asked to bring a list of all your current prescription, OTC, and natural health medications, including supplements, even herbal teas, and essential oils if you use them. – You will be asked various questions regarding your lifestyle and food habits. So be ready to have an open conversation. – At the end of the review, you will go home empowered with a comprehensive knowledge of all your medications and other supplements. – If you need to, you may be advised to increase or decrease the dose of your supplement or change the way you take a particular medication. We will work with your doctor to recommend changes in your therapy to get optimal results from your treatment and lead you toward a better and healthier life.
Covered by OHIP (Prescription & over-the-counter medications only)
Fees: $175 (Holistic Review for non-eligible patients)
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